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Bhutan 2015
This was my 28th bird tour to Bhutan. I first began leading bird tours to this magical kingdom in 1994 and have enjoyed the privilege of returning there once or twice a year almost annually since then. So what is it that makes this particular tour so attractive? Quite simply Bhutan is in a class…
Birds of New Guinea App
This is an interactive mobile field guide version of Princeton Field Guide’s “Birds of New Guinea” by Thane K. Pratt and Bruce M. Beehler, with illustrations by John C. Anderton and Szabolocs Kókay. Audio recordings were compiled and edited by Iain Woxvold and David Bishop. Like the paper edition, this is the most complete and…
Ethiopia Trip Report 2017
Our trip to the ancient kingdom of Ethiopia was at once fascinating, superbly bird-rich, as promised and, at times, confronting and challenging. Thanks, however, to the adventurous spirit and enquiring minds of our wonderful group we explored parts of Ethiopia rarely if ever witnessed by birders and naturalists. Ethiopia is an endlessly intriguing and,…
The Adventure Continues…
Welcome to the official David Bishop Bird Tours newsletter. 2016 was quite a year commencing with a very exciting and truly fulfilling five-week expedition to the Arfak Mountains of western New Guinea (Indonesia). This expedition included the discovery of several major new bird distributions. The Philippines (Luzon and Palawan) – think 14 species of night…
Philippines 2016
Led by: David Bishop & Nicky Icarangal I was very excited to once again to be returning to these remarkable islands, which are always so full of surprises and gorgeous, gorgeous endemic birds. This was undoubtedly one of the most delightful and well run bird tours it has ever been my pleasure to be associated…
A Journey Through the Tibetan Plateau Part 2
2 July – 6 August, 2016 ANNOTATED CHECKLIST OF BIRDS View the full report here
Bhutan Tour 2016
This was my 29th bird tour to Bhutan. I first began leading bird tours to this magical kingdom in 1994 and have enjoyed the privilege of returning there once or twice a year almost annually since then. So what is it that has makes this particular tour so attractive? Quite simply Bhutan is in a…
A Journey Through the Tibetan Plateau
2 July–6 August, 2016 This was truly the trip of a life – time. Indeed it was quite a trip as the following accounts surely indicate. I am enormously indebted to Judith and Alan for the opportunity to design and lead such a very special expedition. It was undoubtedly challenging and, at times tiring. However…
China November 2015
This was an immense tour in scope, execution and success. We were all pretty exhausted by the end but what an amazingly wonderful trip it proved to be. We certainly learnt just how huge this fascinating country is and that it harbours some of the most spectacular landscapes on our planet. In addition, it also…
Tanzania Safari 2015
Read the full Tour Report here This was without a shadow of doubt the most wonderful and uplifting safari I have ever led to Africa and likely the finest tour of my career. Quite simply I could have easily turned around and done it all again. The nature, the landscapes and wildlife of Tanzania coupled…
A Celebration of the Nature that is Borneo
Witness with me the spectacle of thousands of shorebirds at Buntal Bay; crunchingly close views of the globally threatened Chinese Egret on its wintering grounds; repeated views of many Pygmy White-eyes feeding at eye-level; a lifer Graybreasted Babbler for KDB at point blank range; a memorable encounter with a Malaysian Rail-babbler; a close encounter with…
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