A lovely, fun trip indeed. Vietnam is an exotic kaleidoscope of sights, sounds and smells; never mind how humble our surroundings the food just got better and better; the friendliness and outstandingly courteous service left one astonished and the natural history experiences were a joy to behold.
Our list of some 318 species of birds was very respectable indeed especially at a time of the year when birds are not at their most songful or territorial. However, the weather was delightful. Our list includes some very special and little known endemics or near endemics of which we enjoyed some superb views. And as for the mammals, well we saw some very special critters indeed. Who will ever forget that Pygmy Loris on New Year’s Eve? But a list never conveys the true essence of a trip
“This was one of those trips that as a tour leader you dream of, delightful clients, well-oiled logistics and a fabulous driver and co-leader and a country that I increasingly find fascinating and want to explore a great deal more.”
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