
The storehouse of dreams … Much of Madagascar’s wildlife is remarkably tame, approachable and visible and as a consequence this tour represents a truly superb natural history experience and photographic opportunity. Of the birds, six entire families are virtually endemic to the Madagascar region: the mesites, ground-rollers, cuckoo-roller, asities, Madagascar warblers and vangas (sic). An…


Feel the beat … “Uganda” the very name makes your pulse quicken. This is undoubtedly one of the most birdy places on our planet. Add to that a breathtaking range of mammals including Mountain Gorilla, Chimpanzee, Savanna Elephant and host of very neat nocturnal creatures and you have the beginnings of a superlative tour. Then…


The Africa you have dreamed of … Imagine yourself immersed in thrilling, unfamiliar sights, sounds and smells, surrounded by a host of new and exciting birds and mammals – all against a backdrop of one of our planet’s most ancient landscapes. Welcome to Tanzania! It is just not possible to see all of this vast…